The Julia Language Blog

The Julia blog discusses issues of numerical, technical, distributed and parallel computing, as well as programming language design, and how these issues touch upon the design and implementation of the Julia programming language. Also see the Julia Computing blog for another source of information regarding ongoing Julia development.

Blogs from the broader Julia community can be found at Julia Bloggers.





GSoC and JSoC 2020 Project List 2020-05-05

Julia 1.5 Feature Preview: Time Traveling (Linux) Bug Reporting 2020-05-02

Google's Code-In Contest Wrap up 2020-02-10


Yao.jl - Differentiable Quantum Programming In Julia 2019-12-28

为 Julia 包设计的可靠、可复现的二进制工件系统 2019-12-18

Pkg + BinaryBuilder – The Next Generation 2019-11-19

Profiling tool wins and woes 2019-09-16

Julia夏季会议@Beijing - 本地化奖 2019-09-07

Julia Workshop@Beijing and the Julia Localization Prize 2019-09-07

Julia的版本发布流程 2019-09-07

Julia’s Release Process 2019-08-28

nothing 2019-08-06

Julia将支持可组合的多线程并行机制 2019-07-30

Announcing composable multi-threaded parallelism in Julia 2019-07-23

Hello @DiffEqBot 2019-06-18

A Summer of Julia 2019 2019-05-31

Beyond machine learning pipelines with MLJ 2019-05-02

DiffEqFlux.jl – Julia 的神經微分方程套件 2019-04-04

A Julia interpreter and debugger 2019-03-19

The Julia Project and Its Entities 2019-02-12

GSoC 2018 - Parallel Implementations of Graph Analysis Algorithms 2019-02-03

DiffEqFlux.jl – A Julia Library for Neural Differential Equations 2019-01-18


Building a Language and Compiler for Machine Learning 2018-12-03

How to get started with Julia 1.0's package manager 2018-09-12

A portrait of JuliaCon 2018 2018-09-11

The Julia Community Prizes, 2018 2018-09-04

GSoC 2018 and Speech Recognition for the Flux Model Zoo: The Conclusion 2018-08-14

GSoC 2018: Adding Newer Features and Speeding up Convolutions in Flux 2018-08-13

Union-splitting: what it is, and why you should care 2018-08-09

Julia 1.0 Anunciando el release de Julia 1.0 (Spanish) 2018-08-08

Julia 1.0 正式发布 (Simplified Chinese) 2018-08-08

Julia 1.0 正式發佈 (Traditional Chinese) 2018-08-08

GSoC 2018: Reinforcement Learning and Generative models using Flux 2018-08-06

Announcing the release of Julia 1.0 2018-08-01

Writing Iterators in Julia 0.7 2018-07-08

First-Class Statistical Missing Values Support in Julia 0.7 2018-06-19

Extensible broadcast fusion 2018-05-11

Tetris coming to Julia language for v1.0 2018-04-01

Some π-ography 2018-03-14

Julia joins NumFOCUS in Google Summer of Code 2018 2018-02-01


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